Ted Nixon and grandson Jack Nixon both returned from the London 2022 international show, held in the English capital from Feb. 19-26, with medals for their respective exhibits.
The elder Nixon’s five-frame postal history exhibit, “Mail from Paris France 1852-76 Showing Plain & Numbered Star Cancels from the Central & 39 District Post Offices,” received 90 points for a gold medal as the fifth highest-scoring Canadian entry.

The younger Nixon’s three-frame youth exhibit, “Canada 1952-57 Wildlife Series,” received 81 points for a large vermeil medal as the highest-scoring Canadian youth entry.
The younger Nixon’s three-frame youth exhibit, “Canada 1952-57 Wildlife Series,” received 81 points for a large vermeil medal as the highest-scoring Canadian youth entry.
“It was very special for me to win anything in London – and extra special to have both of us together getting medals in this big show,” said the elder Nixon, the chair emeritus of Toronto’s Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation. “It will never happen again.”
During one of his first exhibiting endeavours, the younger Nixon won the 2017 Youth Champion of Champions competition at the American Philatelic Society’s former StampShow (now the Great American Stamp Show) for an earlier iteration of his 1950s “Wildlife” exhibit. Last year, he won two Youth Grand Awards, one at “Virtual Canpex,” a national virtual show held in April, and then at Royal 2021 Royale, another virtual exhibition held in October. He will also compete with a single-frame exhibit at CAPEX 22, an international show coming to Toronto this June.