Volume 49 – #08

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Volume 49#08

July 30 – August 12, 2024

‘Champion exhibitor’ shares knowledge of U.S. grill stamps

Renowned South African philatelist Jan Hofmeyr, who clinched the prestigious single-frame Champion of Champions award in 2022 at Chicagopex, has now made British Columbia his home. In this month’s Stamp Talks, Hofmeyr shared invaluable lessons he learned while writing Understanding the Grill Stamps of the United States. “One of the biggest surprises to me,” said Hofmeyr, “was discovering how the United States post office at the time thought the grill method might actually work.” Continue reading →

Anticipation builds for premier philatelic event
Page 1

CSn Marketplace
Are you buying or selling?
Page 16
Show & Bourse
Check out the shows in your area
Page 19
Ian Robertson
Looking Back
Pilot, singer commemorated on their birth anniversaries
Page 6
Everett Parker
Philatelic Journals
Newsletter explores Okanagan steamer’s postal history
Page 8

Ian Robertson
Stamping Grounds
Shackleton’s long-lost ship found
Page 12
Mike Smith
1920s ushered in postcard’s white border and linen era
Page 14

Robin Harris
New Issues
From around the world
Page 18

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