The largest philatelic exhibition in Europe, Finlandia 2017, is slated to include at least one Canadian exhibitor.
The exhibition, which celebrates the centenary of Finland’s Independence (1917-2017), will be held May 24-28 at Tampere Hall in Tampere, Finland (although some portions of the exhibition will be held at the Finnish Postal Museum).
The massive exhibition is a part of the Finland 100 celebration program. It was arranged under the patronage of the Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA) and with recognition from the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP).
The grand exhibition displays 403 collections and 58 pieces in the Philatelic literature class. When the invited exhibits are included, the total number of frames in the exhibition is 2 248. This makes it the second largest philatelic exhibition in Finland in all times.
The FEPA Grand Prix Class and the Picture Postcard Class are included for the first time in any FEPA Exhibition. Additionally, there will be exhibits in the non-competitive classes invited by the Organizing Committee.
The competitive classes include:
- FEPA Grand Prix;
- Traditional Philately;
- Postal History;
- Revenues;
- Aerophilately;
- Postal Stationery;
- Thematic Philately;
- Open Philately;
- Picture Postcards;
- Youth Philately; and
- Philatelic Literature.
At Frame No. 4048-1, Canadian exhibitor John McEntyre will have a submission in category four, Revenues, under the title “1876-1887 Canada: First Weights and Measures Revenue Issues.”
McEntyre’s exhibit will feature pre-production proofs; all four stamp serial number types; as well as as certificates showing proper usage of each type.
McEntyre, of Montreal, Que., is the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada’s (RPSC) National Office American Philatelic Society Liason and a nationally accredited philatelic judge.
His single-frame exhibit, “1930 Canada: Weights and Measures Revenue Issue,” previously won a gold award at the 2014 RPSC Convention, where he was also made a Fellow of the society.
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