Grégoire Teyssier and Michael Street were inducted into the Fellowship of The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC) at the society’s recent convention in St. Catharines, Ont.
They join more than 145 RPSC Fellows, both living and deceased, that have been inducted since Fred Jarrett became the first Fellow at the society’s 1960 convention in Kitchener, Ont. To qualify for Fellowship status, candidates must have actively worked for the betterment of The RPSC; promoted Canadian philately extensively through writing; or improved Canadian philately at the international level. They must also be a member of The RPSC.
A philatelist for nearly half a century and an accomplished exhibitor, Teyssier previously served as second vice-president and a board member of The RPSC as well as associate editor of TCP; as president, administrator and secretary of La Société d’Histoire Postale du Québec and editor of its journal; and as a board member of the Société philatélique de Québec. He has been a national-level judge since 1995.
Teyssier has also published several books, including La Distribution postale de la presse periodique Québecoise: 1851-1911 and Initiation aux marques postales du Québec, and numerous articles in Bulletin histoire postale et de marcophilie, Philatélie Québec and The Canadian Philatelist (TCP). He has also worked as a consultant for the now-defunct Canadian Postal Museum, the Canadian Postal Archives and Parks Canada.
In 2016, he won the Horace Harrison Grand Award at BNAPEX in Fredericton, N.B., for his exhibit, “Quebec 1763-1867: Un Siècle d’Histoire Postale et de Marcophilie.”

The other inductee was Michael Street, who’s also a Fellow of the British North America Philatelic Society as well as the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain.
A long-time philatelist, Street is an active member of the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain (CPSGB) and British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS), the latter of which he also serves as book department co-ordinator.
Elected to the BNAPS fellowship – the Order of the Beaver – in 1992 as well as the fellowship of the CPSGB in 2011, Street is also a member of the Brantford Stamp Club.