Author Archives: Jim Szeplaki
Stamp designs seminar entertaining, revealing
When it comes to subjects considered for Canadian stamps, as the Rolling Stones song goes: "You can't always get what you want." But that doesn't mean people should stop submitting ideas. It may take time for approval, but dozens of topics are featured annually and catalogues clearly show expanded themes in recent decades. Various tests... Continue reading →
APS reveals survey results
On March 14, the American Philatelic Society (APS) released the results of its recent survey, which saw participation from more than 3,000 APS members and 800 non-members, offering insight into what collectors want from America’s national stamp club. Last November and December, the APS sent a questionnaire to members, former members and non-members in their... Continue reading →
Topical stamps a great alternative collectible
“Topical collecting is so entertaining, artistically satisfying and versatile … it can be the panacea for most stamp ills such as sheer boredom, disgust, disinterest and disillusionment. “It can be taken very seriously as a major collecting interest with extensive research and planning, or it may be used as an entertaining and decorative sideline or... Continue reading →
New definitives seemed eerily familiar
In a case of déjà-stamp – you thought you’d seen them before – the UNESCO set of five P-denominated 85-cent definitives released on Jan. 11 repeat the designs of the five larger-format 2014 commemoratives that feature photos of World Heritage Sites in Canada. They are: Canyon cliffs at Head-Smashed-in-Buffalo Jump, Alta.; the harbour at Lunenburg,... Continue reading →
Collectors on the hunt for ‘experimental’ kiosk stamps
There is a rush on by some dealers and collectors seeking a new series of illustrated “experimental” computer-vended Canadian postage labels. They are being sold from recently-installed dispensers installed on kiosks at three 24-hour “Concept Store” postal stations in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. Like the previous program launched in late 2012 and cancelled seven... Continue reading →
Fakery expert correct in stressing ‘get to know the real thing’ first
From long experience, well-respected bogus stamps expert Ken Pugh narrowed his decades-old message perfectly during a recent round of lectures in Toronto: “Get to know the real thing.” Despite echoing what others have said since fakers first sought to woo the unwary with spurious replicas or altered genuine stamps, the teacher and forensic specialist knows... Continue reading →