“Internal Mails and Postage Rates of Pre-Confederation Prince Edward Island,” an award-winning exhibit by Robert Lunn, has been posted to the British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS) website.
The 14-page single-frame exhibit by Lunn, of Nasonworth, N.B., studies the internal mails and associated postage rates of pre-Confederation Prince Edward Island. According to Lunn’s introduction, the exhibit begins “with very early mail” before “moving through the stampless period, on to the pence period and finally the decimal period.”
This exhibit won a gold medal at BNAPEX 2013 in Charlottetown as well as a gold; the One-Frame Grand Award; and the BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame Award at Orapex 2014 in Ottawa.
Lunn is a director of The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC) and also serves on The RPSC’s newly established Facebook/Social Media committee as well as the Multi-Media Programs committee and and Nominating committee. He’s also a accredited national-level philatelic judge.
In addition to being a member of The RPSC and BNAPS, Lunn is a member of the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain and the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors. Rob is also very involved locally in the Fredericton and District Stamp Club including helping to organize stamp shows and exhibitions.
To view Lunn’s award-winning exhibit, visit bnaps.org/ore/Lunn-PEIInternalMail/Lunn-PEIInternalMail.htm.
To view other items belonging to BNAPS Online Resources and Exhibits area, visit bnaps.org/ore/ore-index.htm.