Volume 38 – #06

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Volume 38#06

July 16 – July 29, 2013

The One-cent “Z” Grill realized $4,366,000 in a recent auction.

War of 1812 stamps salute Secord, de Salaberry

Canada Post released two stamps honouring the daring exploits of two legendary Canadian heroes – Laura Secord and Charles de Salaberry. Secord and de Salaberry’s pivotal actions helped to secure this country’s distinct identity when its future was threatened in a conflict with the Americans. Secord braved a 30-kilometre walk through the Canadian wilderness to warn a British outpost of an impending American attack. As commander of a group of fighters in Lower Canada, de Salaberry’s strategy and resourcefulness enabled his outnumbered Canadian force to repel an American invasion aimed at capturing Montreal. Continue reading →

Stamp club celebrates successful show
Page 22

CSN Marketplace
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Show & Bourse
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Page 23
Stamp reflects on darker aspect of Canada’s history

Politics aside, the story is significant to us today because it points out that this nation, a mere 100 years ago, was capable of institutionalized discrimination. It is part of our collective past, just as much as the battle against American invaders in 1812, the internment of Japanese-Canadians during the Second World War, the liberation of Holland, and the internment of Ukrainian and German immigrants in the First World War. Canada is a great country, and in remembering our great moments, we should not forget our human failures. It seems that history does repeat itself. In 1937, the MS St. Louis, a German ocean liner carrying 937 German-Jewish refugees, was turned away in Cuba, the United States, and Canada.

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By Bret Evans
Looking Back
CAPEX 78 an exhibition for fun, friends and philately
Page 6
Philatelic Bookshelf
Kershaw’s research worthy of high praises
Page 8

First-Day Covers
Leacock even targeted stamp collectors
Page 9
Off The Beaten Track
Mail art, Dan Brown fuel fire of Dante’s Inferno
Page 10

Stamping Grounds
Canada Post goes to court to protect right to postal code
Page 14
Advertising postcards can have philatelic connections
Page 17

New Issues
From around the world
Page 18
Philatelic Profile
Passion for pets meets passion for doodling
Page 22

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