Volume 38 – #01

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Volume 38#01

May 7 – May 20, 2013

Falklands post office quick to salute Iron Lady

To date Margaret Thatcher is the first and only woman to have led a major political party in the U.K. and holding the office from 1979 to 1990, she served as British prime minister for the longest continuous period since Robert Jenkinson in the early 19th century. When Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, then prime minister Thatcher responded to the attack by sending a task force to recapture the islands, despite the logistical problem of British forces operating 13,000 kilometres from home. At that time her Iron Lady nickname, first applied to her by a Soviet newspaper in 1976, stuck. Continue reading →

Televised coronation brought Queen to her people
Page 8

CSN Marketplace
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Page 19
Show & Bourse
Check out the shows in your area
Page 23
Mailman’s role minimized in the global village

Now in spite of what my children may think, I was not alive 100 years ago. But, I am old enough to remember a time when mail was different, very different. For one thing, if someone wanted to read an out-of-town newspaper, chances are they had it delivered by mail. I remember my father receiving copies of the Toronto and Montreal newspapers in the mailbox. They were delivered by a mailman – nobody ever heard the term “letter carrier” back then – who wore a very military uniform, complete with forage hat and cap badge. Back then the mail was royal, and the various letterboxes were mostly green with a very official coat of arms emblazoned on the front.

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By Bret Evans
Stamping Grounds
Unaccepted designs may have been better
Page 6
Focus On Collecting
War devastation that defined a nation
Page 9

Off The Beaten Track
Recent releases show pride of Barbados
Page 10
Bourse Bulletin
Ontario postcard show sees big attendance boost
Page 15

First-Day Covers
Cachet makers responded quickly to airmail hike
Page 17
New Issues
From around the world
Page 18

Looking Back
Some early Canadian stamps denominated in ‘pence’ and ‘cen..
Page 22

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