The design career of renowned Norwegian designer Martin Mörck, the engraver of several Canadian stamps, was highlighted in a recent webinar hosted during the Feb. 22-24 Collectors’ Conference.
The online event featured virtual interviews, stamp launches and webinars, one of which highlighted Mörck’s career, artistic process and the hundreds of stamps he has engraved since his first – for Sweden – in 1992.
For Canada, Mörck designed and engraved the 1998 $2 polar bear definitive (Scott #1690), the 2004 “Otto Sverdrup” stamps (SC #2026-27) and the 2010 “Marine Line” stamps (SC #2386-87).
In addition to Canada, Mörck has also engraved stamps for China, Sweden, Denmark, Jersey and Monaco.
To watch the full 90-minute webinar for free, visit