After a five-year hiatus, philatelists in the “pine tree state” have revived the Maine Philatelic Society (MPS), which is now offering a special incentive to entice other collectors to join their ranks.
Anyone joining or rejoining the state-based society will receive free membership and copies of the society’s quarterly journal, the Maine Philatelist, through 2022. The MPS was active for decades before going on hiatus in about 2016.
“There has been interest among some of the former officers to get reorganized,” said CSN columnist Dr. Everett Parker, who’s also a former president and long-time editor of the society’s journal. Parker, who will reprise his role as president and editor, will be joined by vice-president Rob Washburn, of Skowhegan, Maine; secretary Kelvin Kindahl, of Florence, Mass.; and treasurer Rick Stambaugh, of North Berwick, Maine. The Maine Philatelist will concentrate on the state’s postal history plus more contemporary articles and columns.
To join, contact Parker at or 207 Corinth Rd., Hudson, ME 04449-3057. Articles about Maine postal history, whether researched or anecdotal, are always welcome.