The British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS) has released a new book, The Philatelic History of Kingston, Ontario, from 1673 to the Present Day.
The publication, curated by Chris Anstead and Chris Hargreaves, was developed as a collaborative exhibit for BNAPEX 2024 Kingston. Featuring contributions from more than 40 BNAPS members, the 220-page, full-colour volume is now available in spiral-bound format.
The book showcases a diverse array of philatelic and historical items, tracing Kingston’s postal history from its founding as Fort Frontenac in 1673 to modern times. Highlights include a wampum belt symbolizing an agreement between two Indigenous tribes, the earliest known letter addressed to Fort Frontenac in 1686, and a range of postal markings, from early straight-line “Kingston” postmarks to later variations.
Mike Street, co-ordinator of BNAPS’s book department, described the volume as one of the most visually diverse publications in the society’s 300-title catalogue. Unlike traditional exhibits, which often focus on uniform material, this collaborative effort brings together a broad spectrum of styles, colours and formats contributed by members. According to Street, the variety ensures an engaging and dynamic presentation on every page.
The book is priced at $53 and has an ISBN of 978-1-989280-47-8. It can be ordered directly by clicking on this link.