While the Calgary Philatelic Society (CPS) was forced to cancel its 2020 fall show, Caltapex, club officials recently announced a virtual exhibition – Calvirt 2021 – will be held from Jan. 20-Feb. 10.
Submissions for exhibits (ranging from one page to five frames) are due by Jan. 10 and should be in PDF format no larger than 15 megabytes.
There will be no formal judging process; however, all exhibits will be open to several “People’s Choice” awards. Exhibitors can also request feedback from members of the Calgary Association of Philatelic Exhibitors, a CPS committee.
Results will be announced at the club’s Feb. 3 meeting, but the exhibits will be available for viewing until at least Feb. 10.
For more details, including rules, entry forms and sample exhibits, visit calgaryphilatelicsociety.com.