To mark last month’s opening of the David E. Kampe Tower at Penticton Regional Hospital in the Okanagan Valley city of Penticton, B.C., a customized Picture Postage stamp featuring benefactor David Kampe was unveiled.
Kampe, who was unable to attend the unveiling, is a local philanthropist who has made numerous donations to health-care services in the region.
“The development of Penticton Regional Hospital is near and dear to my heart, having lived and worked in the South Okanagan for my entire life. Being able to support the hospital project is a great honour,” said Kampe, the owner of Peters Bros. Construction, who added he’s “thrilled” to see the new tower open.
The April 29 unveiling was attended by Penticton and District Stamp Club executive member Harv Baessler, who initiated the Picture Postage project with late collector Gus Boersma, who was also a member of the club.
Altogether, the club raised $37,000 for the South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation for the new tower, where a patient care room now bears the club’s name.

The cover (shown without the Picture Postage stamp) was designed by Gary McDougall and features a colour photo of the new tower alongside black-and-white photos of the Hancock House Hospital from 1908; the Haven Hill Hospital from 1915; and the current Penticton Regional Hospital from 1953.
The Kampe stamp is cancelled by a specially produced Canada Post cancellation mark while the cover also includes images of the three former hospitals alongside a photo of the current tower.
Kampe also donated two-thirds of the funds to produce the covers, a number of which will be distributed to the general public for free.
The total cost of the hospital project cost of $312.5 million and was shared between the provincial government, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional Hospital District, Interior Health and South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation.