A 74-slide presentation entitled “The Admirals after Marler” is the latest addition to the British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS) Online Resources and Exhibits (ORE).
Produced by Leopold Beaudet and published on the ORE this July, the presentation explores the discoveries made after George Marler’s seminal 1982 book, The Admiral Issue of Canada, was published. Topics covered include plates, lathework, pyramid lines, booklets, re-entries and retouches, design types, plate flaws and fluorescent ink.
Beaudet is a member of BNAPS’ Admiral Study Group and the editor of its newsletter, The Admiral’s Log.
To view the full presentation, which is available online for free online, visit bnaps.org/ore/Beaudet-AdmiralsAfterMarler/Beaudet-AdmiralsAfterMarler-v2rx.pdf.
Canada’s Admiral definitives were issued by the Post Office Department (known as Canada Post since 1981) between 1911 and 1931.